Buy NPP 150 Online
Buy NPP 150 Online: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP) by Dragon Pharma in the form of a vial containing 150 mg/ml. This steroid, presented in injectable form, has well-developed anabolic activity of the main active ingredient. The drug starts acting rapidly once it enters the bloodstream. The duration of its effect on an athlete’s body is relatively short, which is why it needs to be injected more frequently.
Nandrolone phenylpropionate is designed to accelerate muscle growth by synthesising and retaining calcium, protein, magnesium and phosphorus in muscle fibres. As a result, muscle cells grow and enlarge more actively. Buy this drug online in our anabolic steroid shop in Australia and get a discount on all your next orders.
Effects of NPP
Nandrolone phenylpropionate has the following effects:
- Rapid muscle mass gain
- Improved strength performance
- Fat-burning effect
- Strengthened ligaments
- Strengthened skeletal system
- Improved immunity.
In addition, it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The main advantage of this drug is its minimal risk of side effects, which is due to its short period of action on the body. The body and testosterone levels recover quickly after stopping taking the drug completely.
Nandrolone phenylpropionate improves, among other things, the synthesis of proteins responsible for building muscle mass, and contributes to the accumulation of calcium in the body. It is good for athletes who have injured their joints and ligaments, as it reduces pain and makes the joints more elastic.
Instructions for a cycle of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate – Buy NPP 150 Online
The effectiveness and nuances of nandrolone phenylpropionate concern the frequency of injection. This drug has a rather short half-life, which is why it needs to be administered at least 2 times a week. Generally, injections are given every 3-4 days. The average daily dosage is about 25-100 mg per injection. The total dosage should not exceed 300-400 mg per week.
For men, the use of 100-200 mg every other day is indicated. The duration of treatment is 4 to 8 weeks. This is sufficient for most athletes to quickly experience a sufficient increase in muscle mass and physical strength. For women, the dosage is 50-100 mg every 3 days. The drug is well suited for use in women, as it is eliminated from the body in the shortest possible time.
Side effects of NPP
If the dosage is exceeded, various side effects may occur, such as:
- fluid retention
- gynaecomastia
- rapid growth of body fat.
Buy NPP 150 Online, If side effects occur, medications such as Tamoxifen or Clomid are indicated to help reduce the negative effects on the body of nandrolone. Certain side effects are also possible, such as: the occurrence of acne; excessive sebum activity; accelerated hair growth on the face and body; and baldness.
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