Buy Primo A 25mg
Buy Primo A 25mg: Primobolan is an anabolic with an extremely low androgenic component. The anabolic effect of Primobolan is moderately strong. Primobolan tablets have only a limited effect in building up muscle mass and strength and it is mostly taken over a prolonged period. The main uses of the Primobolan tablets are in the preparation for a competition.
Acetate form does not aromatize into estrogens and does not cause water retention. The Primobolan acetate tablets must never be taken as the only steroid during a diet since, due to its extremely low androgenic effect, significant losses in muscle and strength can occur and there is a risk of overtraining. It is not c17 alpha alkylated as most oral steroids are.
This product provides more or less the same effects as Winstrol except that it is not toxic to the liver because it is not AA17.
It has a big advantage, even taken alone, it can cause muscle mass gain associated with carburetion of fat such as with Winstrol. The oral Primobolan gives a moderate muscle gain but better, denser and leaner.
The main feature of Metenolone Acetate (Primobolan) tablets is that it is absolutely not toxic to the liver or other organs, unlike Winstrol and many other oral anabolics. This is because there is no alpha alkylated and this makes it one the less dangerous oral steroids.
Primobolan Functions & Traits: – Buy Primo A 25mg
Methenolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or more specifically a structurally altered form of DHT. A double bond at carbon one and two is added to the DHT hormone, which in turn greatly increases the hormone’s anabolic nature. It also carries an added 1-methyl group that protects it from hepatic breakdown. The addition of the Acetate ester further protects it from hepatic metabolism.
As an oral steroid, Primobolan is one of the only oral steroids that is not a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) steroid. Lacking the standard C17-aa structure, this also means oral Primobolan is not toxic to the liver. However, while this is a bonus, most will find oral Primobolan to be a relatively mild or even a week steroid compared to many others in a performance enhancing capacity. Men will not experience the same level of anabolic activity compared to many anabolic steroids. Make no mistake, Primobolan has its place in a performance capacity, but most men will find the Depot version to be a better call. As for women, this mild nature is in part what makes it a fantastic choice.
The Methenolone hormone carries several traits similar to many other anabolic steroids. This hormone will enhance protein synthesis (to a degree) and can have a moderate affect on increasing red blood cell count. However, the steroid carries three important traits that distinguish it more than anything else. Primobolan will dramatically improve nitrogen retention. This ensures a catabolic state is avoided and is also fantastic for building lean tissue. However, as mentioned this steroid won’t pack on a lot of size, keep that in mind. The hormone has also been shown to have an extremely strong binding affinity for the androgen receptor. Strong binding to the androgen receptor has been linked to direct lipolysis. Most all anabolic steroids enhance the metabolic rate, but Primo as it’s often known seems to support direct fat loss. When we consider this along with the dramatic enhancement in nitrogen retention, we can begin to see this is going to be a strong anabolic steroid for the cutting phase.
The final important trait of Primobolan is its affect on the immune system. Buy Primo A 25mg, The Methenolone hormone has been shown to significantly enhance the immune system. In fact, it has been successfully used in treating those with AIDS. For such an individual, he not only gets an immune boost but direct protection from what is a muscle wasting disease. This same immune boost will greatly benefit the performance enhancing athlete during the cutting phase.
Effects of Primobolan:
Buy Primo A 25mg, Primobolan is used to treat muscle wasting diseases in some cases; however, typically only in mild cases or where an immune boost is a benefit. This steroid is not going to pack on mass like Anadrol or Deca Durabolin and most men will not have much use for it in an off-season bulking cycle. We can, however, make an exception for females. Women are far more sensitive to anabolic steroids and a little of a mild anabolic steroid can go a long way. Just as important, most women are not looking to gain 30lbs of weight overnight. Small, moderate increases in weight can often be transforming on their own. Keeping the mild nature in mind, most men who use this steroid for a true off-season cycle will be disappointed.
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